Bamboo Toothbrushes
Sleek. Vegan.
PlanetCare’s eco-friendly toothbrushes are a daring advance towards creating environmentally friendly, durable, and gentle toothbrushes.
The brush handle is meticulously crafted out of 100% natural bamboo wood which allows for firmness and durability, and also ensures that it will biodegrade easily, and naturally. Our brush fibres boast delicate bristle fibres that allow for gentle cleaning of your teeth and gums. To top all of that, we add a high-quality finish to our toothbrushes, making it water-resistant and stopping the growth of nasty microbes so that you and your children are happy and healthy.
Earth Friendly Natural
Bamboo Handle
Our toothbrush handles are 100% crafted from Bamboo Shoots (Bamboo Culm) sourced from Eco-certified Bamboo farms.
Aesthetics with
High Performance
Toxic-free, Ethical
and Hygienic
Manufactured in a Factory that meets ISO 9001 standards you can be assured that our toothbrushes are the highest quality and will offer superior dental care. The bristles are guaranteed BPA-free.
Designed with soft bristles that are harsh on plaque and other impurities, yet delicate on gums, our toothbrushes have a non-slip grasp and will leave your teeth looking and feeling clean. With a smooth look and feel, our toothbrushes will leave you feeling good about caring for your teeth, and the environment.
Suitable for all
Age Groups
Designed with soft bristles that are harsh on plaque and other impurities, yet delicate on gums, our toothbrushes have a non-slip grasp and will leave your teeth looking and feeling clean. With a smooth look and feel, our toothbrushes will leave you feeling good about caring for your teeth, and the environment.

Commitment to an
all-natural way of life
Every year we use an estimated 50 million toothbrushes in Australia. Currently, the majority of these have plastic handles. That means 30 million plus plastic handled toothbrushes are ending up in landfill. Every single year!!!! A recent finding by the CSIRO of marine debris indicates some of these plastic toothbrushes end up in our seas, causing havoc to marine lives.
PlanetCare toothbrushes provide an ethical and healthier choice, that’s practical and functional, for you, your family, and the environment.
You can choose to live a healthier, ethical and responsible lifestyle that will help sustain our planet for future generations.

Why Bamboo?
We all know that Pandas love to eat Bamboo, but why use it in manufacturing?
Unlike other natural materials used in manufacturing, Bamboo regenerates almost immediately, thrives without manure and pesticides, is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, is drought tolerant and compared to other plants requires almost minimal care.
Processing Bamboo to produce usable products like toothbrush handles comes with a low carbon footprint. Switching to using Bamboo toothbrushes is one small step towards convenience, a healthier lifestyle and increased environmental responsibility.
At Progeny Stores, we are committed to using Bamboo as a simple and practical alternative to replacing plastic in our lives, reducing landfill waste, and saving our marine life.